Introductions and What Have You.
While I was growing up I lived in what most would call a broken home, my mother and father divorced when I was 4 so I've never known my home to be "unbroken." I was raised well, by loving parents and my grandmother who was always there for us when we needed her, which was often considering there were five kids and a single mother who hadn't finished her education yet. My father wasn't in the picture for a long time which honestly I never thought about, as a five year old you don't tend to remember the bad times. The memories I do have of my dad when I was young are happy, playing tea party in the basement of our home in Virginia and telling him he had to keep his tiara on because if he didn't he had to leave the tea party and him gladly complying with a huge grin on his face no doubt due to the stubborn nature of his youngest daughter, a trait I obviously earned from him.
As I grew, life did too, my understanding that not everyone had a family like mine. Some people didn't even have fathers while others had multiple. Trying to navigate my place in life has always been a struggle for me, which is half of the reason I decided to start this, maybe reach out a little and find others like me, others who are still trying to keep their heads above water. So here's to navigating life as an adult, may we become what we long to be.
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